Risks: What you can & Can’t Control


*Every woman is at risk for breast cancer and her risk increases with age. A woman in the general population faces about a 13% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. This risk remains low before age 50; the majority of risk occurs after age 60.

Women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation have a much higher lifetime risk for breast cancer, and much of the risk occurs at a younger age.  However, experts don’t agree on the exact lifetime risk figures for women with either mutation because different studies of families with BRCA mutations identified different lifetime risks. BRCA mutations also increase the risk of breast cancer in men. 



Genetic Factors

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Race

  • Family History

  • Personal Health History

  • Menstrual & Reproductive Health

  • Genetic Mutations



Avoidable Risk Factors

  • Lack of physical activity

  • Poor Diet

  • Being Over Weight/Obese

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption

  • Radiation Exposure

  • Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy